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Learning to Listen: How our Posture impacts our ability to hear God's voice

I so desperately want to hear God's voice.

Have you ever made that statement? Perhaps you seek wisdom on a significant decision and wish God would tell you what to do? Or maybe you find yourself in a season of suffering, and some encouragement from God would go a long way in supplying you with the strength you need?

We read throughout Scripture how God spoke to His children: Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Peter, and Paul. Why can't He speak to me, too?

If you are sitting in this Christmas season begging God to speak, take heart! You are not alone. Here are six questions to help you find rest from this season of searching for God's voice.

1. Are you ready for what God might say?

This question is crucial for us to ask and be honest with when answering as we seek God's voice. Perhaps we aren't hearing God speak because our hearts aren't ready to respond. What if God has been speaking to you, but you haven't liked what He has had to say? What if God has been trying to convict you of something you aren't willing to change? In their book The Intentional Year, Holly and Glenn Packiam word it this way, "When our hearts are surrendered, the Lord will speak." (Pg. 53)

2. Is your environment clouding the volume?

As a parent with a two-year-old, I have learned first-hand how my environment impacts my ability to hear God's voice. The settings that used to work before my son was born no longer work. I have to be more intentional about creating spaces of solitude to quiet my mind, open my heart, and receive whatever God has in store for me.

3. How do you connect with God best?

What works best for me may not work best for you. That's okay! I hear God's voice most often after I have spent at least thirty minutes in solitude, prayer, and Scripture. Only then are my thoughts settled and my heart open enough to start hearing God speak over my life. God has wired me to connect with Him in this way, but others connect with Him best on long walks, in nature, through art, music, and many other avenues. How has God wired YOU to hear HIS voice?

4. Is there enough margin in your life for God to speak?

I need to carve out an hour of my day and dedicate it to solitude with God to hear something He is telling me. This isn't always possible, but I am working towards it because my heart is unavailable to God when my schedule is chaotic and lacks margin. If I don't intentionally create margin in my calendar for God to speak, even if He does, I cannot hear it.

5. Are you spending time daily in Scripture and prayer?

Let's be honest: When we say we want God to speak to us, we want something personalized to our specific situation. "Scripture was for the good old days. I need something new from God." Friends, this is a tempting lie from the enemy to distract us from hearing God's voice in Scripture. As we sing on Sunday mornings, the same God Who spoke to Moses is speaking to YOU. His message never changes (Psalm 33:11). If you aren't spending time in Scripture and prayer, you won't hear what God has to say. I highly recommend reading and praying over one Psalm daily if you are wondering where to start in Scripture.

6. Does your posture match your expectations?

This leads us to the final question: Does your posture match your expectations? The hope for this blog is that you self-evaluate how your life is structured to understand better how to hear God's voice. If you expect to hear God's voice without establishing a posture that allows you to listen to Him, then you will not have success. Make sure that your posture matches your expectations.

Jordan Chitwood

C3 Online Pastor

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